Hdbodbc driver
Hdbodbc driver

  • The CREATE EXTERNLOGIN statement points at the SYSTEM user on HANA.
  • The USING clause is written in HANA-speak (ServerNode versus HOST) but otherwise it looks just like the DSN-less connection string in the earlier dbisql command.
  • SELECT * FROM proxy_t ORDER BY proxy_t.pkey REMOTE LOGIN "SYSTEM" IDENTIFIED BY 'manager' USING 'DRIVER=HDBODBC ' Here are the SQL statements to set up a proxy table on SQL Anyhere:ĬREATE SERVER HANA_server CLASS 'HANAODBC' c "ENG=ddd16 DBN=ddd16 UID=dba PWD=sql CON=ddd16" Here are the commands to create a SQL Anywhere 16 database:

    hdbodbc driver


    You can use a DSN instead of the DRIVER and HOST, but this is a DSN-free article. the special dbisql -hana option is different.the USER and PASSWORD keywords are different, as are the values (the HANA equivalent of DBA/sql), and.the HOST is different (in this case pointing to a HANA "vanity URL" and port on Cloudshare),.

    hdbodbc driver hdbodbc driver

    Note: There is nothing at all about that command line that's the same with a SQL Anywhere database: c "DRIVER=HDBODBC USER=SYSTEM PASSWORD=manager "^ Here's a command that lets you use SQL Anywhere 16's ISQL utility with HANA: Question: How do I create a SQL Anywhere remote access proxy table for an actual table on HANA?Īnswer: The following code was tested on SQL Anywhere 16., HANA 1.00.68, and the HDBODBC 1.00.70 ODBC driver.

    Hdbodbc driver