Minor threat it follows me lyrics
Minor threat it follows me lyrics

Perhaps because their earliest tracks were so catchy, Minor Threat’s second half doesn’t always get the same spotlight. Even today, that message gets garbled and even lost. While it started off more or less the same as the earlier version, the track on its second half found MacKaye break into spoken word and exasperatedly explaining that “Out of Step” isn’t a rule book, but rather, his own philosophy: the track was more intended as a queue for others to think for themselves than a mandate on how live one’s life. The new version of “Out of Step” seemed to feature a frustrated MacKaye.

minor threat it follows me lyrics

In fact, Minor Threat seemed to feel that their original musings had been so perverted, or at least skewed, that they felt it necessary to name their first proper album after a re-recording of a previously issued song.

minor threat it follows me lyrics

The grand irony being that the band didn’t intend to forge a set of rules at all. Most notable is the album’s re-cut of “Out of Step.” Along with “Straight Edge,” the original version of “Out of Step” forged the entire straight edge scene and decades of debate in just over two minutes. “Betray” tells you all you need to know by the title alone. On “Look Back and Laugh,” MacKaye muses that things that seem so important now might not hold the same weight in the far future. While that is true, the band’s affect likely wasn’t due to team consensus, but rather, a combination of philosophy contrast and pure luck. Minor Threat is often spoken as this singular, monumental force that changed an entire scene. A lesser spoken Minor Threat tidbit is how often the band fought and how fractured they were. But, where the music was evolving, the lyrics were keeping up or more. Where the earlier works seemed to pull from gut and heart, Out of Step seemed aimed to stimulate the brain and conjure contemplation instead of youthful impulse. None of the tracks here are quite as catchy as their first two eps, but that may have been the point. Depending on who you ask, this was either the band’s next logical step of their eventual undoing. In part, this may have been the addition of Steve Hansgen on bass, giving the band more room, and more tools to create their wall of sound. That’s not to mention that whereas Ian MacKaye used to ride the riff for maximum fist pounding power, here he was deliberately singing against the music in order to create a more difficult, and more multifaceted contrast. See “It Follows” which is more based in a low, rumbling clack than a speed-up rock riff, which also has a brief spoken word section and ends with whistling. Gone were the “simplistic,” single-riff chargers like “Filler” and “Small Man, Big Mouth.” In their place where multi-parted, sometimes purposefully unevenly gaited mini-epics like “Betray” and “Look Back and Laugh.” Minor Threat certainly had a substantial hand in creating hardcore during its nascent stage, but already by their first proper album were they creating what would become post-hardcore.

minor threat it follows me lyrics

Recorded after the band’s first break up, Out of Step finds the band reacting to a movement that they basically singlehandedly created. Even though it was released less than three years after their formation, Out of Step found Minor Threat as a much more wizened, world weary band than their previous EPs suggested.

Minor threat it follows me lyrics